Even though the weather in Minneapolis is improving, it doesn’t mean we still won’t spend a little time inside playing some games. Find out what we’re playing then head over to the comments section and tell us your game plan!

Andy: My goal this weekend is to finish Infamous 2 and then put more time into L.A. Noire. And of course, try to get out and ride a bike when I’m not hiding in the basement playing games.

Jeff C: This weekend is all about homework gaming. From what I’ve played so far, Duke Nukem Forever is…not so good. That said, I feel an odd sense of obligation to see it through to the end. It’s kind of a bizarre artifact that I should probably finish. I may play a little Pinball FX2, also, when I need to cleanse my palate. I expect it’ll be a frequent need.

Bryan: I’m going to dig into The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D big time! That is, when I’m not blasting through the classic Game Boy Donkey Kong from the 3DS eShop.

Tim: This weekend I’ll continue my dubious quest with Duke Nukem Forever. The game is pretty bleh, but the game dragged itself through 12 years of hell to make it into my 360, so it’s the least I can do. I also hope to continue my game of New Super Mario Bros. on DS and play some Donkey Kong on the 3DS’ virtual console.

Annette: It’s been nothing but music games for me these days as it’s all my post-E3 brain can handle. I’ve been playing through Dance Central in the morning before work as part of my personal fitness routine, then cap out the night before bed with Rock Band. Downloaded a few new tracks that I’ve been meaning to check out, including a couple from Rodrigo y Gabriela on RBN (I love them). It’s been a blast catching up with new content even though I’m sure my neighbors don’t appreciate me belting out tunes and wailing on a plastic guitar around midnight every night. The show will go on this weekend.

Jeff M: This weekend I plan on returning to L.A. Noire. I haven’t played it for about two weeks now, and I’m still in Homicide. Hopefully I can get back into a decent groove and finish it off. I might also play more Infamous — I started an evil playthrough when I downloaded it after the PSN fiasco, and kind of want to keep going before I pick up the sequel.

Jeff A:
 It’s all about Ocarina of Time 3D. THE GREATEST GAME EVER!

That’s it for us. What are you playing this weekend?