Category: E3

The War of the Worlds

Mars Attacks Again In Paramount’s The War of the Worlds

Paramount has held the rights to H.G. Wells’ classic novel The War of the Worlds for some time now, so when Other Ocean Interactive started flipping through the list of licenses it could mine for potential games, it jumped an the chance to revisit Well’s sci-fi classic as a downloadable title. Continue reading

The Beginning Of A New Halo Trilogy

Microsoft and 343 Industries are starting a whole new chapter in the Halo universe with a new trilogy to go alongside Bungie’s previous work. Take a look at Halo 4’s E3 teaser trailer. Continue reading

Star Wars: The Old Republic

The E3 2011 demo of Star Wars: The Old Republic was my third time checking out the game, but I found a new thought running through my head as I played it this time: I’m not so sure that the average BioWare or Star Wars fan is going to fully enjoy this game. Let me explain. Continue reading

E3 is the chance for all the developers and publishers in the industry to show what they’ve got. But that doesn’t mean that they bring all the games they’re working on to the convention. Here’s a look at some of the titles that didn’t make it to the show this year. Continue reading

Resistance 3

Capelli’s Resistance 3 Journey Begins

One of the stories of E3 was the introduction of Insomniac’s new Overstrike game for EA, but that doesn’t mean PS3-exclusive Resistance 3 wasn’t Continue reading

Being Dismembered Is Frustrating

I was intrigued when I first heard about NeverDead’s unique gameplay involving undead protagonist Bryce’s ability to lose all his limbs and still fight on. In theory, throwing your arm to distract a herd of hungry demons or using your head like Samus’ morph ball ability is awesome. In practice, having your body fall apart while trying to play an action game is very annoying. Continue reading

A new demo of Resistance 3 at Sony’s press conference gave players a 3D look at how Insomniac’s sci-fi shooter is shaping up.

The demo picks up after Joseph Capelli leaves his family for one final strike against the Chimera in New York City. In St. Louis, he meets up with a rebel group called the Remnants. His mission: assault a Chimera transport for its power core. It doesn’t take long for the group’s Continue reading

Ryan Mac Donald closes out GameSpot’s E3 2011 Live Stage Show with an awesome demo of Tomb Raider!

Q: What kind of game medium will PS Vita support? What is the official name? Why did you decide to introduce it?
A: It is a small flash memory based card, dedicated for PS Vita. Taking advantage of the flash memory feature, this innovative card can store add-on game content or the game save directly on the card. By adopting flash memory based card, SCE will be able to provide game cards with higher capacity in the future, allowing developers to store more game data to deliver rich, immersive games. We will announce the official name at a later date.

Q: What type of storage media will PS Vita support?
A: This will be announced at a later date. Continue reading


We Take On The Authority In Rage

Our latest hands-on time with id Software’s post-apocalyptic shooter took us on a daring prison break mission inside a mutant jailhouse. Continue reading